* stage, training & film actor,
* puppeteer,
* multilingual museum guide,
as well as for (non-profit) signing sessions of my book:
The Critical Pathway to Sustainable Development: from Framework Concept to Conceptual Framework; a reference book on the implementation of an integrative concept of proactive decision-making in area-based land or sea resources management, Staljanssens (ed. Brussels 2005, 336 pp.), with 423 references, and 3 appendices: glossary, acronyms and 22 figures.
The book can be ordered online a.o. through books4life.amsterdam that sells it for the benefit of Amnesty International.
And, by the way, the book Marinus Boezem Into the Air, Oude Kerk Amsterdam and Roma Publications (2019), is now available at the museum shop in the Oude Kerk of Amsterdam. With on page 23 a beautiful photograph of my participation in the role of piccolo made on location by Gert Jan van Rooij in 2016.