Other activities
* VR public support (Virtual Reality), Cinedans Festival, Eye Museum Amsterdam, March 2018.
* Op- & afbouw, techniek, publieksbegeleiding voor Tessels Oogh van Sarah Van Lamsweerde, Oude Kerk Amsterdam, voorstellingen op 27 & 28 oktober 2017.
* Light assistant (set building) for Dirk Blom, UvA Theatre, Oedipus Rex (2015, Photo by Theodora Voutsa).

* Technical support (light, sound, set management; props or decor building) for various theatre productions (a.o. Theaterwerkplaats 5D).
* Techniek, Publieksbegeleiding en Presentatie op Salons, Traplabs, Trapweek enz., voor Theaterschool De Trap in 2011-2013.
* lid vakkundige publieksvakjury voor Superkids, Talpa TV, Studio 24, Hilversum 2015 en 2016.
Stunts & stage fighting
I used to do it all by myself but I am afraid the doctor said I should now stop doing this: among the latest, Stand-in/Stuntman for CTM LEV Pictures (Redivider 2014), and for various 5D theatre shows.
* Floor Manager (music concerts) for the Luthermuseum, 2019-2020.
* Member of the Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Workgroup of the Eye Film Institute in 2019-2020.
* Curator of Pop-up Museum Identities (mainly Art Brut), Vreugdehof Amsterdam, 30 September-31 October 2018.
* museums and exhibitions (see the page Art & Culture).