Recent Courses

A clipping from the ReFocus Method Camera Acting Workshop by Tony Grahn at the Entre Nous Studio in 2017.
I was classically trained as puppeteer and stage actor in Belgium, Italy and the USA, and therefore able to play Molière in Ancient French and Shakespeare in Ancient English. But, obviously, one can always learn and improve, so hereunder are the most recent workshops and refresher courses taken since 2011:
2019-2020 - member of the Participatory Arts Study Group, PLEK & HOP, Amsterdam.
2018, okt. - Presentatieworkshop Poppentheater, Babiche Ronday, 5D Theaterwerkplaats, Amsterdam.
2018, mei - Onderzoek audiodescriptie, Myrthe Niens, 5D Theaterwerkplaats, Amsterdam.
2017, Nov. - ReFocusMethod Camera Acting Workshop, Tony Grahn, Entre Nous Studio, Amsterdam.
2017, July - Creative Access Theatre Course, Garry Robson, 5D Theaterwerkplaats, Amsterdam.
2017, Feb.-Mar. - Performance Development Workshop, Pernille Lonstrup, The Institute, Amsterdam.
2016, dec. - Presentatiemasterclass Theatervechten, Taco Schenkhuizen, 5D Theaterwerkplaats, Amsterdam.
2016, Sep. - ReFocusMethod Stage Acting Workshop, Tony Grahn, Clifford Studio, Amsterdam.
2016, Jan. - Creative Access Theatre Mini-symposium, Oostbloktheater, Amsterdam.
2015, dec. - Presentatieworkshop Mime, Marjolein Roeleveld, Studio Act2Act & 5D Theaterwerkplaats, Amsterdam.
2015, jan.-feb. - Workshop/Screen test Stage Fighting, Roland Gotjé, Dutch Dragons, Amsterdam.
2014, nov. - Workshop Theatertechniek (licht & geluid), Nico Bink, AHK & 5D Theaterwerkplaats, Amsterdam.
2014, feb.-juni - Cursus Spelen volgens Woudenberg, Olaf Pieters, CREA, Amsterdam.
2013-2014 - three Actors on Stage Workshops, English speaking actor collective, CREA, Amsterdam.
2013, sep.-dec. - Comedy Training, Henk Jansen, ZINspelers, Lelystad.
2011-2013 - Theater/Toneel, 2 jaar deeltijds, De Trap, Amsterdam.
2011, apr.-juni - Theater/Toneel Vooropleiding, De Trap, Amsterdam.